Customer Case

Client: Helsinki City
Helsinki Culture and Leisure Sector / Kultturi ja vapaa-aika

Sector: Governments & Public Sector

Project Duration: 4 months

Project Type: Consultancy

Challenge: How to establish a lean multi-stakeholder collaboration, and to unify a vast amount of data sources to transform them into the actionable insights for decision-making

Result: Delivered a strategy for API and data architecture to aggregate a vast amount of complex urban data to produce insights and analytics.

Helsinki City,
Culture and Leisure Department

For any organization that needs to rationalise and justify its actions and decisions, a key question is how to systematically make use of the multiplicity of data from different sources. The question is even more important for organizations developing and offering public services. We collaborated with CHAOS on making sense of our data needs for better engagement with our ecosystem. CHAOS helped us in identifying the data needs of our key stakeholders and creating a framework for engagement with them,“ – shares Tommi Laitio, Executive Director for Culture and Leisure, Helsinki City.

Project Settings

Helsinki is a vibrant and fast-growing capital that puts in the core of its development people, sustainability, inclusivity, and innovation. Helsinki is the one of the world’s leading open source data creator and smart city innovator. It has not only developed various local co-creation platforms, competitions and boot camps, but also engaged in active dialogue with other cities under the Six City Strategy in Finland and the Horizon 2020 in Europe.

The Culture and Leisure Sector within the Helsinki city has four divisions: the Culture Division, the Library Division, the Sports Division and the Youth Division. All four devisions operate inside the complex ecosystem of stakeholders.

The organisational levels of the unit. Source: Helsinki City page
When the project discussion started, Helsinki City was searching for a solution that would unite all data produced by different stakeholders into a single collaborative data-hub. Moreover, the City was exploring new technologies for citizen engagement and partners participation to influence City processes at the planning and preparation stages.

Goals of the project

The main goal of the project was to digitalise the unit’s operations, and integrate a data-driven approach. The Helsinki Culture and Leisure sector handles multiple sources of data produced by different stakeholders, both public and private ones. This means that the availability of data is wide, however, the process of collecting the data, cleaning, exchanging and analysing it had to be digitalised. In order to ensure the true success and City’s liveability with data and data-driven urban planning and engagement, Helsinki needed to create and serve citizens and stakeholders with one singular data and AI enabled platform where city departments, citizens, and businesses can jointly leverage data and analytics and then innovate, interact, and make a decision for a better living environment.


Based on the existing data provided by the City, CHAOS set the grounds for Helsinki’s digitalisation of services. CHAOS provided the City with a strategy for building a data architecture to optimise data collection and exchange within the ecosystem. CHAOS solution also outlined the foundation for implementing urban forecasts for City’s development decision-making.

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