Customer Case

Tampere, Hervanta area project

Sector: Construction / Development

Project Duration: Ongoing

Project Type: Consultancy
CHAOS Essentials™ license type

– How to identify urban insights needed to assist in digital transformation 
– How to produce Business Intelligence from collected urban data.
– How to build an operational foundation to support the transition towards forecast based decision-making.
– How to better forecast land investment decisions.

Development of Hervanta neighbourhood in Tampere City

Project Setting

Skanska is a multinational development company, and the fifth largest construction company in the world. The project between CHAOS and SKANSKA stemmed from the customer’s need to explore the potential of Business Intelligence for land use and purchase decisions. For this, SKANSKA ordered CHAOS to develop urban insights to support the company’s digital transformation, and increase sustainability and competitiveness levels of their projects. 

Hervanta neighbourhood was chosen as test-bed for applying urban forecasts to run simulations of possible development concepts, as it is an important area for the city’s Smart Tampere programme.

Goals of the project

Firstly, the goals of the project were to develop insights based on the internal project’s data to be used in the following project’s life cycle stages: 

  1. Concept and design phase
  2. Building phase
  3. Living phase

Secondly, to facilitate the decision-making in those three stages, CHAOS developed the indicators that allowed SKANSKA to access:

  1. Demographics insights: understanding the area’s demographics in order to understand the current and future needs of the area and purchasing power 
  2. Services: understanding the available services of the area and correlating them with the demographics of it. 
  3. Citizen Engagement: enabling residents to actively engage in the development of their neighborhood. Skanska and the City of Tampere, will get real time data regarding citizens’ feelings, ideas, and needs, and will be able to interact with them.

The granular view of area’s population insights in CHAOS platform


Ongoing Collaboration

By using CHAOS’ indicator-based license for concept development based on crowd insights (CHAOS essentials℠), SKANSKA is being able to access the insights on:

  1. The most optimal locations for different property types based on population and demographics trends, service accessibility and diversity, mobility accessibility.
  2. The urban attractiveness of the area, purchasing / renting appeal, and market competitiveness.
  3. Intermunicipal migration and housing trends based on different demographic groups.
  4. Evaluation of existing housing stock.

Hervanta’s service distribution and diversity analysis in CHAOS platform

In addition to the insights platform, SKANSKA will use the citizen engagement tool provided by CHAOS, CHAOS crowd, which enriches the platform with real-time data on residents sentiments about the urban environment obtained through geo-fenced surveying.

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