Our responsibility - Our impact

Climate change, inflation and the energy crisis challenge the Real Estate industry, calling for more efficient and sustainable business decisions. Smart solutions will provide more responsible, long-term solutions to these challenges – and we are here to provide them.

CHAOS manifesto for sustainable urban development

This is our manifesto: the values and the actions we live by. With this publication we invite every person and business working with cities, built environment and urban development to participate in making liveable and sustainable cities.

1. Smart cities are solutions to sustainability problems deriving from rapid urbanisation.

Digital technology can cut global emissions by 15%, (or one-third of the 50% reduction required by 2030) through solutions of land use, buildings services, transportation and traffic management.

A smart sustainable city is an innovative city that uses data from various physical touchpoints to improve the quality of life, efficiency of urban operation and services, and ecological health,  while ensuring that it meets the needs of present and future generations with respect to economic, social, environmental as well as cultural aspects.

2. A happy city invests in simple pleasures: creating a sense of community, meaning, the freedom to move about flexibly.

Urban happiness gives a positive perception of a place to the various people who live in it and induces them to spend a long time there or to opt to live there again with the same experience. We believe in the alliance of human intelligence and innovation. Putting residents and tenants at the heart of your plans is essential to successful real estate development.

3. Cities can be designed to generate more equality and growth.

Competitiveness does not simply spontaneously emerge. Structure cities so that they generate effective competition, and so that they compete in ways that serve the broad public and unleash the vast potential for economic growth that is hampered by current infrastructure. 
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Sustainable Development Goal 13: Climate action
Report: CHAOS supports the UN sustainable development goals

We support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Our insights and KPIs are aligned particularly with the UN SDG11 and SDG13. Read here how we did the alignment or download a more detailed report explaining our matched KPIs.

Read more about CHAOS & Sustainability

A person using CHAOS dashboards on the computer
Liveable and Sustainable Cities

The Smart City Forecasts The Future

Cities contain a huge amount of information and data, which, however, is at times stored in a fragmented form or simply outdated. Meanwhile, the platforms that combine artificial intelligence and data can empower people and provide new information for real estate developers.

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Sustainable urban development
Liveable and Sustainable Cities

Manifesto for sustainable urban development

This is our manifesto for sustainable urban development: the values and the actions we, at CHAOS, live by. We invite every person and business working with cities, built environment, and urban development to participate in making liveable and sustainable cities.

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Architecture in Helsinki

What is sustainable urban development made of, Henna Helander?

When thinking about sustainable urban development, using sustainable materials in new buildings is what often comes to mind. But there is more – if the existing buildings have potential or even structures that could be saved, why not use them by refurbishing or transforming them into something different, even in a wild way?

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No other player in the market combines data about people, economies, and cities like CHAOS does