CHAOS has a new board to help it drive its ambitious business strategy

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The new pandemic has the world looking for new ways of working and forced businesses to reevaluate their own strategies. For startups, this means a big rethink of their offering and sales, including the development of new business models. This is why CHAOS selected a new board last summer. The new members’ experience will help drive the business in new and innovative ways.

CHAOS’ new members of the board have exceptional experience in the Real Estate Industry and startup ecosystem. The five elected members during the Annual General Meeting are

  • Torsti Tenhunen (Angel Investor, corporate coach, former COB of FiBAN),
  • Kai Keituri (former Newsec, and now CAB of Colliers Finland),
  • Jani Nokkanen (NREP CIO),
  • Essi Sten (Head of Real Estate at Taaleri), and
  • Sami Vaateri (former Datscha and now Head of Sales at Mehiläinen).

Also, CHAOS has two new advisors:

  • Jaana Tyynismaa (Country Director, Environment & Health at Rambøll Finland) and
  • Antti Aalto (Head of Engineering at Zalando).

In addition, current shareholders include members of CBRE, Sagax, JLL, among others. Thus, the board of directors and advisors complement the experience of CHAOS’s shareholders.

“Through the pandemic we have seen an increased interest for the type of solutions that CHAOS offers to customers. So, when inviting members to form our new board, the company had at heart to bring our sales growth to the next level through the expansion to the international market”, Natalia Rincon, CEO at CHAOS, remarks.

“The past years we have seen an increase in the Proptech scene and concretely in the insight and analytics spectrum. Therefore, we feel that the experience that the new board brings to the company would be an asset and a big steppingstone for our growth.”

According to Dror Poleg (2020), real estate is shifting from an industry governed by operational effectiveness to an industry governed by strategy. In other words, from well-run assets to well-run businesses. At the center of this shift is the disruptive power of technology. In our opinion, the proliferation of Big Data is forcing the Real Estate to radically change their decision-making process. For example, Big Data solutions will enable the Real Estate industry to access crowds’ information to fine tune their business strategies. Thus, we expect to see the proliferation of companies in this sector, where CHAOS is a forerunner.

“The real estate investment and urban planning businesses’ need for analytics has moved from a proof-of-need phase to a proof-of-business phase. CHAOS positions itself directly for this need, thus expanding its’ customer and market base. The new board will both steer the new strategy and give guidance with the growth and value match with the ecosystem. I’m excited to be part of this”, says the Chairman of the Board Torsti Tenhunen.

CHAOS was founded in Helsinki (Finland) in 2017. The team focuses on developing AI driven urban forecasts. It is expanding in the Nordic and South East Asian markets. Their aim is to help decision-makers use behavioural insights and data to develop sustainable cities. These users include investors, developers, and operators, as well as urban planners.

For further information, please contact

Natalia Rincon
+358 40 9359 824.


About CHAOS:

CHAOS architects Oy is an urban analytics and forecasting company for real estate investors and developers. CHAOS merges urban databases and crowd insights to analyse and predict investment and development opportunities for creating liveable cities. Through combining different types of urban data, CHAOS produces unique urban indexes to detect patterns and forecast development and market trends.

>> Read more about CHAOS


Poleg, Dror. 2020. Rethinking Real Estate. Springer International Publishing.

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